The Italian Policies for Migrant Cinema. Modes of Representation and Production in the MigrarArti Project

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Il 27 e 28 settembre il Dipartimento di “Literature, Area Studies and European Languages- Faculty of Humanities” dell’Università di Oslo ha organizzato un workshop dal titolo “Erratic bodies, transitional borders, and recent migration in Europe: Representation and identity negotiations in public discourse, literature, and the arts“.

In tale occasione Alice Cati e Maria Francesca Piredda (Università Cattolica), ricercatrici del progetto D3.2 “Migrazioni|Mediazioni: i media e la comunicazione come risorse per l’inclusione dei migranti”, sono intervenute con uno speech dal titolo “The Italian Policies for Migrant Cinema. Modes of Representation and Production in the MigrarArti Project”.


Riportiamo di seguito l’abstract dell’intervento

The Italian Policies for Migrant Cinema. Modes of representation and production in MigrarArti Project

Alice Cati and Maria Francesca Piredda

Affiliation: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

Discipline: Film Studies


It is since 2015 that MiBACT (Italian Ministry of cultural heritage and tourism) has issued MigrArti call for entries, a project which aims to help and promote creative initiatives developed within the cinema, music, theatre and art fields that have been more and more enriched by migrants with their traditions and values into Italian society and culture. The political assumption is to support and permanently focus the government’s attention on integration and intercultural issues, with particular regard to second-generation immigrants. By sharing the European Union cultural policies, Italy is demonstrating its commitment to being engaged with the idea that the arts and cultural projects can create a level playing field to allow people of different cultural backgrounds to interact, learn from each other and from experience. As far as cinema is concerned, the call indicates the activities eligible for the public funding: film festivals related to foreign movies that depict migrant communities; short film productions – both documentaries and fiction narratives – ; audio-visual campaigns. Therefore, MigrArti project can be seen as a reliable gauge of migrants’ participation in social and cultural life through the current Italian practice of cinema.

Given this premise, the aim of this work is threefold: in the first place, the paper wants to provide an analysis of the normative framework underlying MigrArti project in order to deeply understand if a new version of nationality in terms of inclusiveness and cultural plurality is fully embraced. Secondly, focusing on the movies selected in the last edition, it will study the modes of production and distribution by means of interviews to the producers and filmmakers involved in the projects. Finally, the paper aims to explore the iconographic, rhetoric and narrative strategies through which the filmic representation reflects political and social processes of migrant integration.

TOPICS: Italian Film Production – Cultural Policies – Migrant Cinema – Intercultural Dialogue – Migrant Identity

Bibliographical references

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