IMAGE & IMAGERY Im/migrant passages: Crossing Visual, Spatial and Textual Boundaries

Call for contributions to an e-book.

To emigrate is to leave, to immigrate is to arrive and stay, to migrate is to move, often as a result of forced displacement. Most emigrants, immigrants, migrants and/or refugees frequently face difficult, if not heartbreaking decisions when they decide they must settle elsewhere. According to the latest UNHCR estimates, 65.6 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide by war, poverty, and/or climate change. Many live(d) in refugee/migrant camps where they often face(d) inhumane conditions, discrimination, violence, and racism, while others spend/spent most of their lives in transit camps.

We are inviting scholars and artists to reflect on the im/migrant experience and examine the perspective of the displaced as illustrated/expressed in literatures and/or the arts.  Selected contributions will be published by The Small Walker Press, Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts in the form of an e-book ( ).

To submit an article, please follow the guidelines below and send it to Catherine Parayre ( and Tamara El-Hoss ( by August 31, 2019.

Small Walker Press

Submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted articles are scheduled to be published in early 2020.


-15 to 20 pages (doubled-spaced), Times New Roman 12, WORD document.

-MLA format.

-Notes: at the end of the document.

-Bibliographical references: in the list of Works Cited (not in notes).

-Language: English or French.

-Quotations in languages other than the one used in the article: translated into the language of the article in the text and original text in a note at the end of the document.

-Images: authors must provide a permission of reproduction from the copyright holders by

September 30, 2019. No image will be reproduced without written permission.

CfP: Theatre and Migration between Ethics and Aesthetics Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance

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Segnaliamo una interessante Call of Papers, a cura di Migrant Dramaturgies Network.

Theatre and Migration between Ethics and Aesthetics
Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance

Developed by Migrant Dramaturgies Network; partner organisation: Studies in Migration Research Group, University of Ottawa (Canada)

Issue Editors: Szabolcs Musca, Alison Jeffers (Perspectives) and Vicky Angelaki (Reviews)

Deadline for articles: 31 January 2019


This special issue of Performing Ethos takes as its theme ‘Theatre and Migration between Ethics and Aesthetics’. The journal issue is informed by the work of Migrant Dramaturgies Network, an international research network that explores emerging dramaturgies of theatrical responses to migration in light of recent migration and shifts in global politics and economics. MDNetwork aims to map new theatrical forms of migrant representation and identify their impacts on national theatre cultures in shaping the perception of non-European migrants and migrant cultures. For more information please see:


We wish to open this issue to contributions beyond our network board and would like to encourage submissions that deal directly with the interferences between ethical and creative/ aesthetic practices of staging and performing migration, refugedom and asylum in a contemporary context. Please note that there is a limited amount of space available for scholarly articles and intervention pieces in this issue!

Continue reading “CfP: Theatre and Migration between Ethics and Aesthetics Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance”

Call for papers: “Sguardi sulla città: filmare il paesaggio urbano come esperienza multi-culturale e multi-identitaria”.

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Segnaliamo l’interessante progetto del Dipartimento SAGAS dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze.


Il Dipartimento propone, sulla scorta del Progetto Strategico di Ateneo CAPUT – Filmare le Arti e del Piano di Eccellenza Eredità culturali la prima edizione del progetto di ricerca “Filmare l’alterità. Concorso e archiviazione di immagini migranti nel paesaggio urbano fiorentino“. E’ una iniziativa, in collaborazione con Oxfam Italia, dedicata ad artisti under35.

L’iniziativa, oltre a prevedere laboratori e concorsi per migranti volti alla produzione e archiviazione di contenuti audiovisuali sul paesaggio urbano e delle periferie, ha l’obiettivo di “di definire un assetto teorico in grado di analizzare i materiali e definirne la collocazione all’interno dell’ecosistema mediale, tracciando linee guida per eventuali esperienze analoghe”.

Per tale motivo l’Università degli Studi di Firenze organizza un convegno di studi dal titolo “Filmare l’Alterità, filmare il paesaggio urbano come esperienza multi-culturale e multi-identitaria”. “Nel corso di tale incontro si tenterà di indagare il rapporto tra produzione audiovisiva e paesaggio, per comprendere la diversità delle modalità con le quali i membri della comunità locale convivono e condividono lo spazio urbano, soprattutto periferico”.

Il convegno, cura di Cristina Jandelli e Raffaele Pavoni, si terrà a Firenze dal 21 al 22 gennaio 2019. Per tale convegno è aperta una call: le proposte dovranno pervenire entro il 15 novembre al seguente indirizzo:

Per maggiori informazioni, si rimanda al testo della call.

Call in Italiano

Call in Inglese

Call in Francese



Memory, Migration & Movement. Parigi 7-8 dicembre 2018. Call for papers di PoP.

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Segnaliamo la call di un interessante convegno che si svolgerà il prossimo dicembre a Parigi. PoP [Performances of the Popular] MOVES, in partnership con l’Université de Paris Nanterre e La Colonie, ha da poco aperto la selezione di paper e articoli per la conferenza.

Riportiamo qui la call, rimandando al sito per ulteriori dettagli.


The international research group for performances of the popular continues to advance the field by creating a new committee in France, to foster conversations and sharing
between scholars, artists and institutions across linguistic worlds. To celebrate this
expansion, PoP MOVES will hold a joint launch event and conference in Paris, to explore
relationships between memory, migration and movement.

Migration is by definition an act of movement. The geopolitical movements of migration
continue to resonate in the bodies of migrants, and these reverberations are sometimes
manifested through popular dance. Migration entails ruptures and reconfigurations of
memory both for migrants themselves and for those who accommodate their arrival. This conference seeks to tease out the threads and tensions between memory, migration and movement within one of the [sub]urban spaces of their everyday unfolding.

Continue reading “Memory, Migration & Movement. Parigi 7-8 dicembre 2018. Call for papers di PoP.”

“Spectres of Europe: Past and Present European Theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism”.

Segnaliamo una interessante call for Proposal dell’EASTAP Journal.

estap.jpgQui di seguito pubblichiamo la Call

Spectres of Europe: Past and Present European Theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.


Issue Editors: Agata Łuksza and Aldo Milohnić

Continue reading ““Spectres of Europe: Past and Present European Theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism”.”

Atlas of Transitions’ and Open Migration’s web platforms: Call for paper dell’Università di Bologna

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Segnaliamo una interessante call for Papers del Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell’Economia di Bologna.

Atlas of Transitions

Per maggiori informazioni rimandiamo al sito del Progetto Atlas of Transitions – New Geographies for a Cross-Cultural Europe  dove è possibile prendere visione della call for papers.