Call for contributions to an e-book.
To emigrate is to leave, to immigrate is to arrive and stay, to migrate is to move, often as a result of forced displacement. Most emigrants, immigrants, migrants and/or refugees frequently face difficult, if not heartbreaking decisions when they decide they must settle elsewhere. According to the latest UNHCR estimates, 65.6 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide by war, poverty, and/or climate change. Many live(d) in refugee/migrant camps where they often face(d) inhumane conditions, discrimination, violence, and racism, while others spend/spent most of their lives in transit camps.
We are inviting scholars and artists to reflect on the im/migrant experience and examine the perspective of the displaced as illustrated/expressed in literatures and/or the arts. Selected contributions will be published by The Small Walker Press, Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts in the form of an e-book ( ).
To submit an article, please follow the guidelines below and send it to Catherine Parayre ( and Tamara El-Hoss ( by August 31, 2019.

Submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted articles are scheduled to be published in early 2020.
-15 to 20 pages (doubled-spaced), Times New Roman 12, WORD document.
-MLA format.
-Notes: at the end of the document.
-Bibliographical references: in the list of Works Cited (not in notes).
-Language: English or French.
-Quotations in languages other than the one used in the article: translated into the language of the article in the text and original text in a note at the end of the document.
-Images: authors must provide a permission of reproduction from the copyright holders by
September 30, 2019. No image will be reproduced without written permission.