Call for papers “Migrations / Mediations. Promoting intercultural dialogue through media, arts and culture” Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan, 06-07 April 2020

Scientific Board:

Naures Atto (University of Cambridge), Paola Barretta (Associazione Carta di Roma – Osservatorio di Pavia), Nadia Bellardi (Community Media Forum Europe), Nico Carpentier (Charles University – Prague), Sabine Hess (University of Goettingen), Judith Keilbach (Utrecht University), Pierluigi Musarò (Alma Mater Università degli studi di Bologna), Tim Prentki (University of Winchester), Guglielmo Schininà (IOM – UN migration).

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Naures Atto, University of Cambridge

Laura Corrado, Legal Migration and Integration Unit in DG HOME – European Commission

In the context of the migrant and refugee crisis, the EU Member States and the European Union itself have recently demonstrated sensitivity toward exploring the ways in which media, the arts and performative practices are able to both facilitate intercultural dialogue among migrant and host communities – thereby empowering their participation in social life –, and to promote cultural diversity (different ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds and heritage) within European societies. Indeed, different “liberal” and “applied” arts (film, theatre & performance, photography, crafts, architecture, design, etc.) as well as emerging cross-media forms (interactive and social media, games, street art, circus and performative practices, etc.), have a pivotal role to play in this direction. In a nutshell, “artistic and cultural expressions can help us to communicate with each other, in an immediate manner, and allow us to understand our similarities as well our differences, in an area where we must also resolve disputes “ (Report How culture and the arts can promote intercultural dialogue in the context of the migratory and refugee crisis, 2017, p. 10).

Despite this high potential for opening new perspectives on EU societies based on integration and a willingness to engage in dialogue, these guidelines seem mostly unexplored and little discussed within the academic communities – primarily focused on the current regime of representation of migrant people and newcomers. Moreover, it can hardly be disregarded that a practical implementation of these guidelines faces many difficulties: national cultural policies affect cultural productions by institutionalizing the process of othering through rhetorical discourses and hegemonic representations; the projects and practices in this field are often vital but fragmented and poorly reciprocally connected (also due to their strong roots in specific areas and territories); the skills and professional figures associated with these processes are poorly defined and have no particular training centres; and finally, the evaluation methods of the initiatives are different and lacking consolidated protocols. The combination of all these factors produces a fundamental weakness in a sector that in any case, remains extremely lively and promising.

On this basis, and within the framework of a research program that the UCSC’s Department of Communication Sciences and Performing Arts has been developing over the last two years (Migrations / Mediations. Media and performative arts as tools for the intercultural dialogue:, this International Conference intends to gather academic and independent researchers, artists, cultural providers, public and private funders, and policymakers – both at a local and at an international level – with the aims to:

  • Reflect on the role of media, arts and culture in the management of policies devoted to migration phenomena, also on the basis of an exchange of best and worst practices;
  • Focus on the ways and the degrees in which media, arts and culture have been considered as critical tools for intercultural dialogue by policymakers, at different levels (local, national, European).
  • Draw attention to the ways through which artists and cultural providers can create and develop models of action in territories oriented toward bringing host populations into contact with migrants and refugees, as well as to empower newcomers themselves by offering a space for dialogue and a basis for voice-attaining and self-organising;
  • Empower the professional figure of the cultural provider in contexts of intercultural and shifting societies, by defining its skills, methods of work, and formation paths.
  • Develop a specific set of tools and a methodology to assess the social, cultural and economic impact of intercultural dialogue activities through arts, media and culture. Along with quantitative indicators of success, such as counting audiences reached or scoring intercultural stakeholders included in the action, it is worthwhile to elaborate new models of evaluation for the measurement and assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of such projects.

On these bases, we invite abstracts on any of the following topics.*

  • Practices of empowerment of intercultural dialogue through media, arts and performative activities.
  • Networks (formal and informal) with publicly-funded cultural organizations, civil society and other stakeholders.
  • Employment opportunities for migrants in cultural and creative industries.
  • Comparisons between the approaches of public and private media.
  • The role of immigrant/diaspora/minority media.
  • Participatory media and arts projects devoted to working directly with refugee and migrant groups in socially engaged practice.
  • Audience development strategies aiming at promoting cultural diversity.
  • Practices and experiences in assessing projects in the field of intercultural dialogue
  • Fundraising creative projects to support intercultural dialogue and migrants
  • The formation of cultural providers and the role of intercultural dialogue professionals in supporting cultural and artistic projects for the integration of refugees and migrants.

* Please note, this is not an exhaustive list of topics, and we will review any abstracts related to the media and migration/immigration/multiculturalism and related topics. Especially welcome are submissions rooted in media studies, visual, performative and cultural studies, critical data studies, postcolonial studies and from scholars who build bridges between academia, policy, public and private funding, media system, arts and public debate, and stakeholders’ networks.

The deadline for the submissions is 1 February 2020. Interested contributors should send a 300-500 word abstract and a short biographical note at the following e-mail address: The accepted proposals will be notified by 15 February 2020. The languages of the conference are Italian and English (the latter is preferred).

Memory, Migration & Movement. Parigi 7-8 dicembre 2018. Call for papers di PoP.

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Segnaliamo la call di un interessante convegno che si svolgerà il prossimo dicembre a Parigi. PoP [Performances of the Popular] MOVES, in partnership con l’Université de Paris Nanterre e La Colonie, ha da poco aperto la selezione di paper e articoli per la conferenza.

Riportiamo qui la call, rimandando al sito per ulteriori dettagli.


The international research group for performances of the popular continues to advance the field by creating a new committee in France, to foster conversations and sharing
between scholars, artists and institutions across linguistic worlds. To celebrate this
expansion, PoP MOVES will hold a joint launch event and conference in Paris, to explore
relationships between memory, migration and movement.

Migration is by definition an act of movement. The geopolitical movements of migration
continue to resonate in the bodies of migrants, and these reverberations are sometimes
manifested through popular dance. Migration entails ruptures and reconfigurations of
memory both for migrants themselves and for those who accommodate their arrival. This conference seeks to tease out the threads and tensions between memory, migration and movement within one of the [sub]urban spaces of their everyday unfolding.

Continue reading “Memory, Migration & Movement. Parigi 7-8 dicembre 2018. Call for papers di PoP.”

[Save the Date] 16 luglio ore 9. Secondo Workshop della ricerca Migrations-Mediations, Università Cattolica

Si svolgerà lunedì 16 luglio 2018 il Secondo Workshop della ricerca di Ateneo dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore “Migrations-mediations: media e comunicazione per l’inclusione dei migranti”. L’appuntamento è presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano, in aula C015, via Carducci 28/30



9.00 – 9.30: Accoglienza e Introduzione dei lavori (Ruggero Eugeni)

9.30 – 10.00: Media, migrazioni, immaginazioni (Fausto Colombo)

10.00 – 10.30: Globalizzazione, migrazione e disuguaglianza (Giuseppe Mastromatteo e Lorenzo Esposito)

10.30 – 10.45: Coffee break

10.45 – 11.30: Presentazione e discussione del progetto “Elezioni” (a cura di Marina Villa e Nicola Pasini)

11.30 – 12.15: Presentazione e discussione dei progetti del gruppo “Policies” (a cura di Matteo Tarantino, Paola Pontani e Chiara Colombo)

12.15 – 13.00: Presentazione e discussione dei progetti dei gruppi “Iniziative e pratiche” (a cura di Alice Cati, Anna Sfardini, Chiara Giaccardi)

13.00 – 13.30: Presentazione del n° 1/2019 di Comunicazioni Sociali “Playing inclusion. The performing arts in the time of migrations: thinking, creating and acting inclusion” (a cura di Roberta Carpani e Giulia Innocenti Malini)

13,30 – 14.30: Pranzo

14.30 – 17.00: Riunione del tavolo di lavoro allargato a tutti i partecipanti alla ricerca in preparazione del convegno nazionale di novembre 2018.


Associazione Parcours: creare un ponte tra artisti e pubblici svantaggiati

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Segnaliamo il canale Vimeo dell’Associazione Parcours. L’associazione mira a promuovere gli scambi culturali creando ponti tra artisti e pubblici svantaggiati

[vimeo 263309621 w=640 h=360]

Film Tolbiac 2018 – Quand j’étais petit from Association Parcours on Vimeo.

Tra gli animatori del progetto, il regista, fotografo e studioso italiano Guglielmo Scafirimuto, dottorando in studi cinematografici presso l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3.  Scafirimuto da oltre 5 anni svolge ricerche a Parigi sul tema “cinema e migrazione”. Da quasi tre anni anima gli ateliers partecipativi di film making nei “foyers des travailleurs migrants“.


Lezioni aperte del Master in Management dell’Immagine, del Cinema e dell’Audiovisivo

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Ricordiamo i prossimi incontri aperti del Master in Management dell’Immagine, del Cinema e dell’Audiovisivo dell’Università Cattolica, nell’ambito del laboratorio Audiovisual Media Policies per l’Intercultura.


  • Lunedì 4 giugno, 10.30-13.30, aula G001, Largo Gemelli, Paolo Masini, consigliere del MiBACT presenta il bando MigrArti Cinema


  • Martedì 12 e venerdì 15 giugno, 14.30-17.30, aula SA112, Mariagiulia Grassilli, Research Associate presso School of Global Studies, Sussex University, UK. Grassilli si occupa di politiche culturali e cinema migrante in Italia.



Ciclo di incontri “MEDIATIONS|MIGRATIONS. Migrant Experience Through Images”

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Segnaliamo 3 incontri che si svolgeranno in Università Cattolica e presso la Biblioteca Ambrosiana, nell’ambito dell’attività del nostro progetto, con la collaborazione della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, del Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione e dello Spettacolo, della Scuola di Dottorato di Ricerca in Studi Umanistici.




Il ciclo di incontri si inserisce nelle attività organizzate all’interno del progetto di ricerca di interesse d’Ateneo D 3.2 “Migrazioni-Mediazioni. I media e la comunicazione come risorse per l’inclusione dei migranti” (2016-2019).

Continue reading “Ciclo di incontri “MEDIATIONS|MIGRATIONS. Migrant Experience Through Images””

Forced migration and digital connectivity in(to) Europe

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Social Media + Society ha recentemente pubblicato una special issue sul tema della relazione tra migranti, migrazione, comunità diasporiche e uso dei media digitali.


Gli articolo sono scaricabili liberamente da qui.

Ecco la presentazione della Special issue, a cura di Koen Leurs and Kevin Smets

“Digital migration has emerged as a contentious topic during the recent
so-called “European refugee crisis.” The wide circulation of news images
of smartphone carrying Syrian refugees, and Syrian refugees taking
selfies upon their safe arrival on European shores became resources for
various actors in Europe to imagine themselves and their relation to
incoming others. Digital technologies have been mobilized and imagined
in contrasting ways by different groups of state actors: for example, as
a way of understanding contemporary migration, as a way to control
mobility, as a way to attack it, as a way to esthetically capture it,
and as a way to uncover agency. Focusing on the context of Europe, this
special collection of /Social Media + Society /seeks to historicize,
contextualize, empirically ground, and conceptually reflect on the
impact of digital technologies on forced migration.

Continue reading “Forced migration and digital connectivity in(to) Europe”